About Us

Welcome to Zimcompass.com, your one-stop-shop for classified ads in several countries. We are dedicated to providing you with the best free online marketplace, with a focus on reliability, customer service, and uniqueness.

Founded in 2019, Zimcompass.com has come a long way from its beginnings. When we first started out, our passion for helping people to buy and sell items easily and conveniently drove us to start this site.

We are thrilled to be a part of the quirky and user friendly, free classifieds ads community. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best of classifieds, with a focus on dependability and uniqueness.

Our website offers a wide range of products and services, from cars and electronics to rental properties.

We hope you enjoy our free classifieds as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@zimcompass.com.

Sincerely, The Zimcompass Team