jZxHPdoccI.comThankfulEssential Record-Keeping for a Profitable Broiler Chicken Business For your broiler chicken business, you should keep records of: _______________________________________________________________ 1. Inventory : Track the number of chicks purchased, their breed , and arrival date . 2. Feed Consumption: Record the amount of feed given to each batch of chickens and track any changes in feed formulation. 3. Health Records : Document vaccinations, treatments , and any illnesses observed in the flock. 4. Growth Progress : Monitor the weight gain and growth rate of the chickens regularly. 5. Mortality Rates: Keep track of any chicken deaths and reasons for mortality . 6. Sales and Expenses : Record all income from chicken sales and expenses related to feed, medication , housing , etc. 7. Environmental Conditions : Note any changes in temperature , humidity , and ventilation in the chicken house. 8. Market Trends : Keep an eye on market prices for broiler chickens to make informed decisions about when to sell . 9. Customer Information : Maintain a record of customer orders and feedback to improve your business. _______________________________________________________________ Keeping detailed records will help you make informed decisions and improve the efficiency and profitability of your broiler For more information Join on WhatsApp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VakAlrP65yDHe3aqwS1f #OptimistFarmer##thefutureofagriculture #agriculture #OptimistFarmer #InnovativeFarming #AfricanAgriculturedootsepnSrfir2t4tetfreaMtf01c97tmou146am07ta82f75L2305n6mm1Bernos Media - dootsepnSrfi02t4t7tfuua7tf01c97tm2u146atm07t882f7512305h6mm1 Shared with PublicEssential Record-Keeping for a Profitable Broiler Chicken Business For your broiler chicken business, you should keep records of:_____________________________ See more

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Name: Bernos M
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Location: Kenya
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Date: 20 January, 2025

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